Development of methodical approaches to standardization of pesticides in vegetable oils

  • Authors: M.G. Prodanchuk, O.P. Kravchuk, L.P. Ivanova, A.P. Hrynko, O.M. Bahatska
  • UDC: 547.6:613.2
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-9726-2022-56-1-7-18
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L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health, Ukraine (State Enterprise), Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. Aim. Substantiation of priority indicators for establishing the maximum permissible levels (MPL) for active substances of pesticides in vegetable oils in accordance with modern international requirements and taking into account the peculiarities of their application in agriculture of Ukraine.

Results. Based on the analysis of international and existing in Ukraine approaches to the development of MPL for pesticides in processed agricultural raw materials, criteria for assessing the need for research to determine and regulate the residual amounts of active substances of PPP in vegetable oils were suggested. The following main indicators that must be taken into account when normalizing pesticides in oils are substantiated: physicochemical and toxic properties of the active substance, the predicted level of its residual amounts in agricultural raw materials, the impact of technological processing on pesticide content.

The principles of calculation of MPL for pesticides in oils of vegetable origin are given based on theoretical processing factors based on the FEDIOL concept, with the values of the partition coefficient between n-octanol and water and oil content in agricultural raw materials (seeds or grains of oilseeds) taken into account.

The proposed concept is a basic one and provides for its further refinement and adjustment, in particular in accordance with the results of further studies on the regulation of plant protection products, which are currently relevant in the European Union.

Conclusions. Methodological approaches to the establishment of MPLs for pesticides in vegetable oils need to be improved taking into account the international provisions and recommendations, set out in the article, in order to harmonize them and optimize the procedure for exporting plant products containing pesticide residues and introduction into the pesticide regulation system in Ukraine.

Key Words: pesticides, residual quantities, norm setting, processed products, oilseeds.



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Стаття надійшла до редакції 01.12.2021 / Received December 1, 2021.