Peculiarities of protein exchange, protein physiological significance and its actual content in the diets of children living on the territories radioactively contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident

  • Authors: I.T. Matasar
  • UDC: 577.122:612.394:613.22:614.876
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-9726-2022-56-1-35-49
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State Institution "National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"


Abstract. Aim. Proteins as well as other food ingredients form tissues, they are involved in the growth, development and recovery of organs and systems of living organisms, are a component of enzymes and hormones.

Materials and Methods. The main sources of proteins for the human body and their functional significance are presented in the article. The focus is on the actual consumption of protein by children living in settlements affected by the Chernobyl accident. It is shown that children’s diets did not contain enough meat and meat products, fish and fish products, eggs, milk and dairy products, butter, sour cream and hard cheeses. The definition of an ideal protein is given. It is shown that the quality of proteins is determined by the set of amino acids of which they consist and their total number, as well as the sequence of connection of the latter with each other.

Conclusions. The content of essential amino acids according to children’s diets is analyzed and their significance is described. The need to take measures to ensure protein intake within physiological needs, which will contribute to the prevention of nutritional deficiency and nutritional deficiency related diseases, was emphasized.

Key Words: Chernobyl accident, infantile atrophy, hypothalamus, sources of receipt, ideal protein, kwashiorkor, population, indispensable amino acids, oligopeptides, nutrients, recommended daily intake, polypeptides, food, receptor imprinting, protein consumption, physiological significance, center of hunger.




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Стаття надійшла до редакції 15.06.2021р. / Received June 15, 2021.