Experimental kidney pathology: models of the toxic nephropathies

  • Authors: N.D. Filipets, L.І. Vlasyk, O.V. Herush, O.O. Filipets, О.G. Kmet, L. Habuniia, А.І. Gozhenko
  • UDC: 616.61-092.9:615.9
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-9726-2023-59-2-7-14
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N. Filipets1, L. Vlasyk1,4, O. Gerush1, O. Filipets1, O. Kmet1, L. Gabunia2A. Gozhenko3


1Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

2Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

3Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Odesa, Ukraine

4L.I. Medved’s Research Centre of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health, Ukraine (State Enterprise), Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. When conducting experimental studies, the question of an adequate model of renal pathology is problematic, therefore, the range of choice of methods of reproduction is extremely wide. The paper highlights the main modern methods of modeling and the principles of choosing a model of nephropathy for the study of changes in kidney functions and processes. It also investigates the effectiveness of pharmacological correction under the conditions of exposure to exotoxins. Attention is focused on models with predominant damage to nephron sections with established pathogenetic features of the course of acute and chronic toxic nephropathy.

Aim of research is elucidation of methods of modeling toxic nephropathies, using the results of our research laboratories and modern data from the literature on experimental nephrology.

Materials and Methods. Analytical methods are used in the work: collection of scientific information on the problem, data analysis and scientific generalization of results.

Results and Conclusions. Experimental models of kidney diseases are diverse, which allows to carefully study the pathogenesis of renal pathology and to develop effective therapeutic strategies. At the same time, in experimental studies, in a number of cases, it is necessary to simulate kidney disease with differentiated damage to the glomerular or tubular part of the nephron. The development of effective medical interventions to reduce exotoxin-induced nephrotoxicity largely depends on the chosen experimental model, respectively, on the understanding of the pathophysiology of toxic nephropathies.

Keywords: experimental nephrology, differentiated damage of the nephron, toxic nephropathies.




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Стаття надійшла до редакції 20.06.2023 р.

Received June, 20, 2023.