Forecastins the risk of bifenthrin-based insecticides for human health when consuming agricultural products grown after their application

  • Authors: S.Т. Omelchuk, О.P. Vavrinevych, А.М. Antonenko, V.G. Bardov
  • UDC: 613:632.951.024.39
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-9726-2019-50-1-28-33
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S. Omelchuk 1, O. Vavrinevych 2, A. Antonenko 2, V. Bardov 2

1 Hygiene and Ecology Institute,

2 Hygiene and Ecology Department № 1 of Bogomolets National Medical University Kyiv, Ukraine

ABSTRACT. The assessment of the health risks of pesticides is an integral part of their monitoring.

The Purpose of the Work was to predict the risk of bifenthrin-based insecticides for human health when consuming agricultural products grown in their application for the public health preservation.

Materials and Methods of Research. The bifenthine stability parameters in agricultural crops were studied in the field experiments in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine. For the integrated assessment of the potential hazard of pesticide exposure to the human body when contaminated agricultural products were used, a methodology developed by specialist of Hygiene and Ecology Institute was used. Allowable daily dose (ADD), half-life period (DT50) and average daily consumption of the product were estimated on a four-graded scale. Results and Discussion. By degree of hazard according to State Standards bifenthrin pertains to the 2nd class of hazard (moderately stable) by resistance in vegetative agricultural crops. The active ingredient pertains to the 2nd class of hazard by the value of the integral index of hazard when consuming products — dangerous compound.

Conclusion. Integral assessment of the potential risk of bifenthrin exposure to humans using contaminated agricultural products showed that the substance pertains to the 2nd class of hazard (dangerous compounds). The obtained parameter should be taken into account when deciding on bifenthrin-based formulations expansion of the scope.

Key Words: insecticides, synthetic pyrethroids, hazard prediction, integral index of hazard when consuming products.

Actuality. To date, 248 insecticide formulations, including 9 based on bifentrine, are allowed for application in Ukraine [1]. Bifentrine-based pesticides have been used for more than 20 years on a wide range of crops. Bifenthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid third generation insecticide characterized by ecological stability, persistence in plants and high insecticidal activity [2, 3]. It can cause both ecological danger and danger for human organism consuming contaminated agricultural products.

It is known that a non-agricultural regions population may be exposed to pesticides because of food containing its residues consumption. Excessive levels of pesticides may cause acute poisoning or long-term adverse health effects, including cancer and reproductive disorders [4]. Our country offers monitoring programs on the content of pesticide residues for food produced in Ukraine, which should take into account the assortment of pesticides used in the country, range of products, the development of their sampling and analysis techniques [5]. Specialist of Hygiene and Ecology Institute proposed a methodology for the integrated assessment of the potential danger of pesticides exposure to human organism after consumption of contaminated agricultural products [6] as a component of pesticide monitoring system

The purpose of the work was to predict the risk of bifenthrin-based insecticides for human health when consuming agricultural products grown in their application for the public health preservation.

Materials and Methods of Research. A full-scale field study of the bifentryne-based insecticides application were conducted for study the dynamics of its contents in crops and assessment of hazards to people consuming grown products. Conditions for bifentrin-based formulations application are given in Table 1.


Table 1

Conditions of bifentrin-based formulations applications


Samples of green mass of plants and fruits for the study were taken from the day of the last treatment and, after certain periods, 3–6 times during the growing season until the harvest. Prior to the crop treatment, control samples of plants were selected. In these samples the studied active ingredient was not detected. The hygienic norms (maximum allowable levels — MALs) of bifenthrin and the limits of quantitafication (LOQ) of analytical methods are given in Table 2.

The obtained results of field studies were used by us to establish the stability parameters of bifentrine in agricultural crops: half-life period (DT50) and almost complete destruction period (DT95). A method of mathematical modeling was used, which involves the estimated reproduction of the processes of destruction of pesticides according to actual data, which allows predicting their persistence [7].

For classification of substances by stability in plants the classification of pesticides by the degree of danger (State Standard [8]) was used.

Experts of the Hygiene and Ecology Institute of the Bogomolets National Medical University recommended a four-graded scale that takes into account the allowable daily dose (ADD), the halflife period (DT50) in plants, and the average daily consumption of the product, for an integrated assessment of the potential danger of pesticide exposure to the human body when consuming contaminated agricultural products [6].


Table 2

Hygienic norms (MALs) of bifenthrin and limits of quantification (LOQ) of analytical methods


It is suggested, after adding all the points, integrated index of the contaminated products consumption (IICPC) assess as follows: at its value of 3–5 points — substances are hazardous to humans (class 4), 6–8 — moderately hazardous (class 3), 9–11 – hazardous (class 2), >11 – extremely hazardous (class 1) [6].

Results and Discussion. The results of the study of the bifenthrin content dynamics in different crops showed that the substance was detected in an amount from 1.8 mg/kg to 0.1 mg/kg after one hour and 3 days after the application of Rotam Bifentrine, Acetamiprid + Bifentrine, Blockbuster, Macrogard and Elmire formulations. In the subsequent study, the residual amounts of bifenthrin gradually decreased and were not detected at the time of harvesting. In the case of formulation Galil application, residual quantities of bifenthrin was not found in all terms of the study.

The actual data of the dynamics of bifentrine content in agricultural crops obtained during field studies allowed determining the parameters of degradation using the method of mathematical modeling (Table 3).

Differences in the DT50 values of bifentrine in different crops are unreliable (p>0.05). This allowed us to calculate the average values of this index – 14.44±1.51 days.

According to State Standards [8] bifenthrine according to the parameter persistence in vegetative crops pertains to the 2nd class of hazard (moderately stable). The results correlated with field research data from other countries. According to studies conducted in Belgium and Hungary, the half-life period of studied substance in plants varies from 1.3 to 27.0 days [3].

Thus, the investigated active substance pertains to the 2nd class of hazard according to integrated index of the contaminated products consumption value (Table 3) — hazardous compounds. The resulting amount is due to a wide range of crops on which bifenthrin-based formulations are permitted for application and their persistence in vegetative crops.


Table 3

Assessment of the risk of adverse effects of bifenthrin on human health when consuming agricultural products grown in insecticides on its basis application

Notes: 1. M – mean value, 2. m – standard deviation; 3. ADD – acceptable daily doser; 4. IICPC – integrated index of the contaminated products consumption.

Conclusion. Integral assessment of the potential risk of bifenthrin exposure to humans using contaminated agricultural products showed that the substance pertains to the 2nd class of hazard (dangerous compounds). The obtained parameter should be taken into account when deciding on bifenthrin-based formulations expansion of the scope.



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