Етапи становлення медицини

  • Автори: І.Т. Матасар
Завантажити прикріплення:

Державна установа «національний науковий центр Радіаційної медицини, гематології та онкології» (ННЦРМГО)/, Київ, Україна


Abstract. This work is devoted to the history of the development and formation of medicine as a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills of medical care, treatment of patients, as well as prolongation of human life.
The history of medicine encompasses a wide range of disciplines. Understanding the progress of medical knowledge and practical skills is crucial for assessing and judging the pathological process.
Medicine itself, in Latin, sounds like ars medicina, which means the art of healing. Nowadays, preventive medicine is also of particular importance. Prevention of diseases and curing patients is based on the theoretical and practical medical skills of a doctor. The development of medical disciplines was particularly influenced by the territories where the formation of medicine as a science and practice took place.
A set of knowledge aimed at eliminating the suffering of the patient and restoring his health over time came together in therapiea, which means treatment and care of the patient. The purpose of this action is to eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of a particular disease.
Aim of the work was to summarize information about the stages of development of medical science from healing to the present.
Materials and Methods. In the process of preparing the material, a number of methods were used, in particular: bibliographic – a theoretical analysis was carried out and the data of scientific literature was generalized, an information search in printed and electronic publica-tions, as well as search databases was carried out. Attention is focused on the development of medicine in the prehistoric period, the information of foreign publishing houses on the history of the formation and development of medical science to the present day is summarized.
Results and Discussion. The results of the analysis and generalization of data from various sources of information formed the basis of this work. It is shown that traditional medicine is a complex of empirical knowledge accumulated by peoples and passed down from generation to generation, which is used for the diagnosis and treatment or prevention of diseases. The work reflects that there was no theoretical justification for the action of "drugs" in ancient times. Often, the use of therapeutic agents was based on their external resemblance to a diseased organ.
In the era of ancient civilizations, priests and shamans had the ability to help the sick. That is, their knowledge was based on their historical connection with the people, and their ac-tions were based on religious cults, traditions, etc. In the period of early feudalism (XVI-XVII centuries) with the advent of writing, special medical books were written in which the advanced information of the time was presented. Some of these handwritings are still relevant today.
A great contribution to the development of medicine was made by the healers of Ancient Egypt, India, and China. The latter especially widely practiced acupuncture and moxibustion, used it in therapeutic gymnastics, and practiced dietetics. The Persians claimed that a doctor had three tools – a word, a plant, and a knife.
The modern arsenal of means owes not only scientific, but also folk medicine to being used in practice, solving its main task. Current scientific medicine studies the physiological and pathological processes of the human body, various diseases and conditions preceding the disease. The emergence of scien-tific medicine is usually associated with the teachings of Hippocrates. Medicine has developed over many centuries and has been enriched by the works of such outstanding personalities as
Claudius Galen, Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Ab-dallah ibn Si (Avicenna) and many others. Specialists of various professions, including chemists, pharmacists, made a significant contribution to the development of medicine ‒ Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann; bacte-riologist Louis Pasteur, Koch, Lister, Paul Ehrlich, Domagk Gerhard, Howard Voltaire Flor, Alexander Fleming, Ernst Boris Rein, valeologist Israel Itskovich Brekhman, surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov and many, many other outstanding scientists, clinicians and experimenters who set themselves the task of treating not the disease, but the patient. This principle has two aspects: deontological and scientific. The deontological aspect is represented by the principles of humane, attentive attitude to the patient, taking into account his individual characteristics, which makes it possible to prevent iatrogenism (Greek ἰατρός "doctor" + γενεά "birth", that is, deterioration of the patient's physical or emotional state inadvertently provoked by a medical worker).
Conclusion. The paper provides a theoretical generalization, historical significance of the stages of formation of medicine as a science. It has been established that the development and achievements of traditional medicine still have certain significance for practical medicine. It was the continuity of healing, folk medicine that contributed to the formation of modern medi-cine, its development and the emergence of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and preven-tion of diseases that our ancestors had no idea about.
Keywords: History of medicine, prominent scientists, healers, shamans, medicines.




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Стаття надійшла до редакції 06.05.2024 р.

Received May, 6, 2024