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The alimentary intake of lead and hygienic evaluation of its impact on children’s health

  • Authors: E.M. Biletska, O.V. Antonova, T.D. Zemlyakova, T.A. Holovkova
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State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health, Ukraine», Dnipro, Ukraine

Summary. Lead enters to the human body on complex migratory chains «soil-plant-man», «soil-plant-animal-man», «soil-water-man», «soil-air-man». Chronic lead poisoning poses a threat especially the younger generation's health.
Our research is conducted to evaluate the daily intake of lead and its containment into informative biological substrates of pre-school children in the industrial city.
The actual nutritional status of children was assessed by 10-days menu layouts, daily intake of lead was determined by calculations. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of lead with food considered to be 60–80 mkg/day for children of 3 to 7 years old.
Key words: lead, alimentary intake, children organism, children health.

The experts of WHO believe that 23 % of all diseases and 25 % of all cancers are caused by environmental factors. 40 % of these diseases and cases are children up to 5 years, the total number of which is 10 % of the world population [12]. Annually there are more than 5 million children dead of unfavorable environment in the world [7]. Establishing specific contribution of different factors in the development of a disease is an extremely difficult task in the real conditions.

Among the large variety of environmental factors that affect human body, the leading place is taken by chemical, in the spectrum of which special place is occupied by heavy metals (HM) and, above all, such a global and potentially dangerous toxin, like lead [2, 4, 10].

The priority place in the range of chemical environmental pollutants belongs to lead which is extremely dangerous for organism of a child [1, 5]. It is found out that the concentration of lead in the environment usually do not exceed current maximum allowable concentration, but its comprehensive permanent income with drinking water, food and air in result of accumulation contributes to significant internal exposure, violates donozological indications and worsens the health of the child [3].

Technogenic lead’s pollution increases the likelihood of impact on a person is not biological, and toxic concentrations it through objects of the environment.

Lead enters to the human body on complex migratory chains «soil–plant–man», «soil–plant–animal–man», «soil–water–man», «soil–air–man». Chronic lead poisoning poses a threat especially the younger generation's health.

Our research is conducted to evaluate the daily intake of lead and its containment into informative biological substrates of pre-school children in the industrial city.

The actual nutritional status of children was assessed by 10-days menu layouts, daily intake of lead was determined by calculations. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of lead with food considered to be 60–80 mkg/day for children of 3 to 7 years old [6, 8].

Research has established that the lead containment in the daily diet of children in industrial cities averaged 664 mkg/day (varies from 96 to 1343 mkg/day). In the test city containment of lead in children's diet is 24 mkg/day, which does not exceed allowable intake. So, it is proved that the lead intake in organisms of children in Dnipro 1,2–17 times higher than normal and 28 times higher than in the test, indicating technogenic origin of the xenobiotics and gives an opportunity to predict its negative impact on children's health.

The quantity of lead, copper and zinc, which enters into the body of children of industrial areas in collation with the control area, shown in the figure.

Figure. The quantity of lead, copper and zinc, which enters into the body of children of industrial areas and control area.

As can be seen from the data of the figure the quantity of abiotic elements entering the body control area children exceeds that of industrial districts. Therefore, the actual child nutrition in Dnipropetrovsk is defective on the content of almost all major macro- and micronutrients, including physiological lead antagonists along with lack of protein, which in turn increases the toxic effects of lead [4, 9].

The findings show that pre-school children living near the industrial zone have next containment of lead in biological substrates: blood — 49,8 mkg/dl, milk teeth — 26,8 mkg/dl, urine — 0,31 mkg/dl, hair — 10,43 mkg/dl, nails — 18,1 mkg/dL. Besides, they show negative changes in porphyrin metabolism, immune and physiological parameters compared to pre-schoolers test group. Using correlative and regress analysis it was shown that the accumulation of lead in children significantly worsens the functional state of the central nervous system (disturbed mental capacity and ability to study). The data coincides with the WHO experts’ data on reducing of the mental development of children impacted with lead, even in small doses [11].

To summarize, it should be emphasized that the significantly worsened level of health of children has reasonable evidence of valid contribu tion of chemical load of environment into this process, among which HM and, especially lead, occupies the prior place as potentially dangerous, which hences the need to develop measures to prevent ekological-dependent pathology and strengthening the state of children's health in general.

1. The problem of studying the adverse effects of lead as a prior technological pollutant of the environment on children's health refers to the actual scientific directions of preventive medicine, since there is justification of hygienic implementation of active preventive measures to prevent eco-dependent pathology, decrease morbidity and strengthen the health of children.
2. Along with deformation of actual child nutrition, the constant intake of xenobiotics with food, especially lead, causes reduction of body resistance to adverse environmental factors and may cause health risks.
3. These results confirm necessity to intensify preventive measures, especially individual ones, and review the relevant regulations and standards, including regional content of lead in the environment.



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Надійшла до редакції: 20.09.2016 р.

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