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Review for a monograph "Legal provision of biological safety of Ukraine"

  • Authors: A.A. Kalashnikov
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L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health of Ukraine (State Enterprise), Kyiv, Ukraine

for a monograph

Developer: National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine.
Authors: M. Velichko, T. Kovalenko, V. Radchenko, I. Salagor, E. Skulish, O. Shamsutdinov

The monograph is extremely relevant for understanding the current state of legal regulation of the biosafety system, not only at the national level. The format of the presentation of the material and the content of the monograph are unique, previously there were no similar monographs devoted to issues of legal regulation and inter-branch legal relationships in the field of biosafety. The authors have carefully selected and systematized normative legal acts in the field of biosafety, deeply analyzed the current state of legal regulation of biological safety of Ukraine in the context of the possibilities of adequate countermeasures against biological threats to the national security of Ukraine, and proposed scientifically based ways of further improvement of relevant legal norms. In particular, the authors note that Ukraine does not have a system of biosafety and bioprotection of the national security of Ukraine, and only its individual elements are functioning; in the conditions of the growing threat of a biological nature, which is caused by the "Covid-19" pandemic and the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the National Security of Ukraine must complete the creation of a normatively established, integrated and effective national system of biological security and biological protection of the state.
The authors indicate that, based on the analysis of international experience, it is necessary to create a domestic system of biosafety and bioprotection of the state with the following elements: a separate management body of the biosafety and bioprotection system of Ukraine; a separate Law of Ukraine on biological safety and biological protection of the state; Interdepartmental commission on biological safety management and biological protection and handling of dangerous biological agents, products of their vital activity and processing; National Bank of Genetic Resources of Ukraine. The domestic legal provision of biological security and state protection needs to be brought into line with the requirements of the EU legal provision.
The monograph is a useful publication for scientists, cadets, students of the National Security Service of Ukraine, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, relevant categories of other law enforcement agencies, for students of legal, natural and medical specialties of higher educational institutions and employees of the specified branches of the national economy of Ukraine.



Стаття надійшла до редакції 09.01.2024

Received January,09, 2024


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